<< Tropos in the Media

Tropos establishes dealer network for its low-speed electric utility vehicles

DOUG GALVIN - May 01, 2018

California-based electric utility vehicle developer and distributor Tropos Motors has revealed that it has set up a dealer network for the low-speed electric utility vehicles which the company will develop and manufacture in near future.

The dealer network established by Tropos -- which was earlier called Tropos Enterprises -- will basically handle the sales and service of the low-speed, all-electric ABLE chassis and the specialty work bodies which are being developed by the company for its emissions-free utility vehicle.

According to the details shared by Tropos Motors about its dealer network, the company will use First Priority Green Fleet which operates in California, New Jersey and North Carolina. First Priority is known for its specialization in sales and service of ambulance, fire and other specialty vehicles.

Moreover, for serving Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area, Tropos has struck a deal with Santa Clara, California-based Turf & Industrial Equipment Co.

Highlighting the significance of dealer chains, Tropos CEO John Bautista said in a recent interview with Trucks.com that dealer chains have a massive customer base as well as “a wealth of experience selling electric vehicles.”

Meanwhile, about Tropos’ ABLE chassis (a rebranding of Metro chassis) and work packages, First Priority Green Fleet’s CEO Alex Cherepakhov said that the products are “an ideal match” for customers who want “new, high-quality vehicles” to be delivered to them.

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